HomeNewsGamingWelcome To LifeMod - Explanation Video And More

Welcome To LifeMod – Explanation Video And More

Almost like in real life... How beautiful!

A Mixture Of SimCity, The Sims, DayZ Plus RPG Elements – This Is LifeMod For Minecraft.


No Mods are needed for you to play!
LifeMod adds multiple new features to the basic Minecraft Survival, such as machines, licenses and even new resources (e.g. drugs)!




Water You Need To Drink In LifeMod
After a while you become thirsty. Drink from a waterbottle to become hydrated.


You do not regenerate health automatically. Use paper (aka bandages), crafted with 3 sugar canes, to regenerate health!



Eating healthy food raises your vitamin levels. You get buffs like regeneration or night vision if you eat enough!


Stay warm in the night and in snowy regions, and stay cool in deserts! Hypothermia or excessive heat can get you killed. Type /temp to get your current temperature.


There are currently 4 machines: Custom Crafter, Generator, Electric Furnace and Farming Machine.

Custom Crafter

Place an Iron Block ontop of a Dispenser (hold sneak to place it there). Then you can use it to craft the following recipes:


Recipe To Craft A Generator In LifeMod For Minecraft
This is your power source. Connect it to machines with Redstone Blocks and ignite it with something. Then it produces Sticks with a multiplier, which it will pass to the machines connected.

Electric Furnace

How To Craft An Electric Furnace In LifeMod For Minecraft
Cook your stuff. Place an object in the top slot and leave the bottom one empty – as it gets automatically filled with Sticks as fuel from the generator.

Farming Machine

Recipe For A Farming Machine In Minecraft LifeMod
Place crops around it to automatically harvest them when they’re fully grown. Make sure all are watered.


You can connect machines with redstone blocks.


Buy Licenses with the /license command in order to get more drops for certain blocks!

Special Resources

Salt: You can mine salt with the right license and an iron shovel at /warp salt
Cocaine: You can harvest cocaine with the right license at /warp cocaine, but watch out for the authorities!
Hops: Harvest Hops at /warp hops to brew beer!

Upcoming Features

More machines! Cars! Cities! Found your own city, become a mayor and develop your small town to a huge metropole. And many more.

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