Is my PC good enough for that game? Can my computer run it?
These are the questions that pop up whenever I am considering a new game. As someone who is moving into the PC world from my Macbook master race, I always question if my PC good enough for the job. Thanks to a recommendation from YourGamesTV streamer Tim, I have discovered a new tool to make my life just a little easier: Instant Expert Analysis.
The PC spec check tool can be found at; it gives the user the ​ability to choose a game, old or new, and test their hardware ​for compatibility​. This is especially helpful for users, like me, who are not too familiar with PC hardware or are just too lazy to research the minimum/recommended requirements. The search is surprisingly quick, user-friendly, and, best of all, free.
The test, powered by System Requirements Lab, features:
Ability to get a complete report in seconds including upgrade suggestions for soft- and hardware
Only the system’s hardware and system software is evaluated
No personally identifiable information is collected
Works on Windows XP, 2000, 2003, Vista, 7 and 8 / 8.1
Works with Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome browsers
Works after giving permission to download a secure ActiveX/Java browser component
If wanted, easy uninstall of the ActiveX/Java browser component when the analysis is complete
How it works:
Choose the desired game in the dropdown menu at the top of the website and click “Can You Run It.”
Through the ActiveX-/Java-plugin, the test automatically collects hardware and system software information to check the specs on your PC. It gathers information such as CPU, CPU speed, OS version, RAM, Graphics Card, Sound Card, DirectX version, etc. and is comparing it with the requirements of the particular game. This test then evaluates the minimum or recommended PC specifications released by the developer. Furthermore, the site even gives tips on what should be optimized in terms of software on the system or what parts should be upgraded to experience the game in it’s full beauty.