HomeNewsGamingThe Future of Minecraft: Virtual Reality

The Future of Minecraft: Virtual Reality

Immersion is going to be defined again.

Minecraft Fans Get a Taste of the Future

Microsoft’s 2015 E3 Minecraft demo stunned audiences with interactive gameplay that allows the user to delve into a Minecraft hologram. The virtual reality dazzles. The demo showed how the gamer can zoom in for a close-up view as well as zoom out for a never-before-seen bird’s eye view. What’s more, the hologram also gives the user the ability to see far beneath our buildings and cities, deep into our mines and trenches.

The fascinating demo highlights the ability to transfer your gameplay onto different surfaces, such as a wall or a table. We also see that voice command has been added for ease of use, giving the user a god-like perspective.

While this demo gives fans much to look forward to, we can only hope that the implementation is as impressive as the preview. If you haven’t gotten on board yet, you can get Minecraft here.

Come and play with us on the YourGTV Minecraft server at:
IP play.yourgames.tv Port: 25565 (offline, might come back somewhen)

Our server features:

– Minigames

– Multiple Ranked PVP Arenas

– Survival World – Wilderness

– Parkour

Look forward to our upcoming attractions:

– Property

– Functioning Economy System

Our Minecraft server is beloved by our streamers and viewers alike. It is a shifting and changing universe and we are always looking for new features to add. Come and see what it’s like to play with the #ballers.


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