The developer of the popular hack & slay invites you to a closed test round of the final phase of the game. Who can participate: Find out in this article.
In a closed beta, which is supposed to start at the end of 2022, Blizzard wants to test the end game (after the main story line) of Diablo 4 with selected players. The campaign is deliberately withheld to avoid spoilers and in addition, Blizzard is convinced that “the end game is the most popular part of Diablo” for many players anyways.

What can players expect in the closed beta?
- By unlocking different seals, players get the opportunity to play dungeons with the Nightmare difficulty. These Nightmare Dungeons can be further modified and made more difficult with the help of the seals, which results in better loot.
- The player completes various quests, which are permanently distributed on the map, and thus receives gold and XP as well as so-called gruesome gifts, which I can exchange for fresh loot at the Whispering Tree.
- In the special region-wide event “Helltide” the player fights against increasingly stronger monsters that drop better and better loot after they have been defeated. Occasionally they also drop the in-game currency Cinders, which can be used to open special crates in the world.
- Players can unlock very powerful upgrades for their characters starting at level 50 using paragon boards.
- In PvP zones so-called “seeds of hatred” must be collected from demons, which players must send off to consume red dust from them. This takes place in a competition with other players.

Participation conditions & date for the Diablo 4 Beta
However, not everyone can sign up for this test phase yet. This privilege is only granted to the toughest Diablo veterans with a high level of game activity. The invitation for this will take place until November 18. Nonetheless, there should be public test phases by the beginning of 2023 at the latest as well.
After the recent new gameplay video leak of D4, another reason for excitement.
What are you looking forward to the most in Diablo 4? We look forward to reading about it in the comments below.